The Minnesota High School Cycling League held their Kick-Off Open House at QBP’s HQ last night. About 100 people attended.
Gary Sjoquist, QBP’s Advocacy Director, hosted the event and presented the detailed plans in two separate sessions. Here’s the 31-minute audio (download the MP3).
Here’s a Slideshare view of Gary’s Powerpoint presentation that can be viewed while listening to the audio. Or you can download the original Powerpoint file now available on the Kick-Off Open House page.
Gary said that the League’s first initiative is to form a high school mountain bike racing league in here in MN. Other cycling sports might be supported at a later date but that the National Interscholastic Cycling Association (NICA) believes that mountain biking is the ‘T-Ball’ of cycling. The League’s events will be open to individual student riders but organizers also believe that forming high school teams is the best way for students to learn the skills and how to ride safely.
Organizers helped the attendees meet each other in geographic groups to facilitate planning. I got together with some guys from Cannon Falls and Red Wing and we’re exploring the possibility of forming a Cannon River Valley regional team, to include those towns plus Faribault and Northfield.
Here’s a Slideshare view of a presentation that can be used when presenting the concept to school administrators. Or you can download the original Powerpoint file now available on the Kick-Off Open House page.
Props to Erik Saltvold, CEO and founder of Erik’s Bike and Board Shop and Pat Sorenson, President of Penn Cycle, for signing on to be Founding Retailers/Platinum Level Sponsors. See the League’s Feb. 28 press release for more details.
I met Erik Saltvold back in 2000 when we were both members of an Inner Circle business group. He paid a visit to Northfield in 2008 for the annual Jesse James Bike Tour, as his shop is a Tour sponsor and provides mechanical support for the 1,000+ riders. I didn’t realize it till I looked at photos from 2008 but Libby Hurley, Marketing & PR Manager for Erik’s Bike Shop, was also in Northfield that day and there last night as well (on the right in the right photo above), helping to staff the the National Interscholastic Cycling Association (NICA) booth. Libby’s also doing PR work for the MN Cycling League. See the Media Center page for contact info.
Hi Griff! Good to hear you are doing well!
Hey Erik, glad to have you chime in here and again, thanks so much for sponsoring the League this year.
I met your Burnsville store manager Rob Stepaniak last week at the Cuyuna Whiteout. (Turns out I was a neighbor and elementary school classmate of his mother.) So when Lebanon Hills dries out, I’ll pester you and Rob for an outing. And maybe we can get that other geezer Norm Stoehr to join us. 😉
[…] to Gary Sjoquist’s 30-minute presentation courtesy of “Mountain Bike Geezer,” Griff Wigley. His PowerPoint presentation will also be made available on the Minnesota MTB […]
Thank you for making the audio available! I wasn’t able to make the kick off, but the information was valuable.
You’re welcome, Brian. I’m hoping that the Powerpoint gets posted soon, too.
Thank you for planting the audio spy mic on Gary for this chat. It was good to hear it to stay in the loop. One would think Team Cuyuna could form quite a presence in this high school league.
Exciting stuff.
Best Regards,
You’re welcome, Aaron. I actually listened to the whole thing myself this week as preparation for a visit with the athletic director at our local high school.
I’ve added a Slideshare view of Gary’s Powerpoint presentation to the blog post above that can be viewed while listening to the audio. I’ve also added a Slideshare view of a League Powerpoint presentation that can be used to present the overview to school administators.
Or you can download the original Powerpoint files of both presentations, now available on the Kick-Off Open House page.