Mountain Bike Geezer teams up with Ryan Leech, pro mountain biker & coach

Ryan LeechI’m pleased to announce that I’m teaming up with pro mountain biker Ryan Leech at his Performance Mountain Biking & Coaching website, As a longtime customer and student of Ryan’s, I’ve seen firsthand how his instructional philosophy mirrors my beliefs that:

  • Online instructional modules should make use of videos, graphics, text, so you can pick your preferred ways to learn.
  • Online instruction should emphasize how you can learn more directly from your experience, guiding your attention to what happens when you do different things so that you become more confident in your ability to learn.

His first two online courses (30-Day Wheelie Challenge; and Baseline Balance Skills) live up to his site’s tagline: “Creating the highest quality, most comprehensive and effective online technical skill training programs for mountain bikers.”  The depth of the instruction (yes, LOTS of drills and exercises) and the superb production quality are impressive.

Ryan also has an online membership community he calls RL Connection which offers “mountain bike skill development complemented by physical fitness and mental fitness training, presented in a self-serve and self-paced format.”

In addition to lots of original content and weekly updates, RL Connection includes the opportunity to interact with fellow mountain bikers in a members-only online community.

As you’ve probably guessed, Thick Skull Mountain Bike Skills is now dormant. I’ve taken on the role of Community Manager for Ryan, helping to make the courses and membership area of the site an engaging social experience in ways that enhance the learning. And as an avid year-round mountain biker, I’ll be actively participating as a student learner right along with everyone else. I’ve also become a marketing affiliate for his site. So yeah, I’m biased, but you could also consider it a sign of the level of my commitment. I hope you join me there.


  1. Scott Christensen said:

    Very cool. Congrats on your new gig, Griff! Under the tutelage of Ryan Leech you will soon be a wheelie master. 🙂

    January 14, 2016
  2. Griff Wigley said:

    Thanks, Scott. I do believe you’re right but it’ll likely take me awhile. Good thing I’m still young!

    January 15, 2016

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