Tag: <span>International Bone and Mineral Society</span>

I’ve never paid any attention to high-impact vs. low-impact exercise, as I’ve been fortunate to be able to pursue whatever interested me. But an article by Gretchen Reynolds (@GretchenReynold)  in last week’s NY Times Magazine titled Why High-Impact Exercise Is Good for Your Bones caught my eye. An excerpt:

Bones should be jarred, for their own good. Past experiments have definitively established that subjecting bones to abrupt stress prompts them to add mass or at least reduces their loss of mass as people age. What has been in dispute, however, is how much force is needed to stimulate bone — and how to apply that force in daily life… Alas, a kind of Catch-22 confronts older individuals who have not been engaging in high-impact exercise: Their bodies and bones may not be capable of handling the types of activity most likely to improve bone health.
