See this blog post for background.
Tag: <span>Kat Sweet</span>
We’re pleased to announce that Kat Sweet, professional coach, jumper, downhiller, and owner/founder of Sweetlines, will be our next featured MTBSN guest expert. She’ll be live in an MTBSN Business Hangouts Google video chat next Sunday, May 7, 9 pm CDT.
FEATURED TOPIC: How to Ride Drops (If there’s time, we’ll also consider questions about bunny hops, manuals, jumping, cornering, etc.)
QUESTIONS FOR KAT: Anyone will be able to submit questions for Kat during the live Q&A. If you can’t attend, submit your questions here.
Kat’s mission:
“… is to build confidence, create community, and promote stewardship through educational mountain biking programs that empower women and youth.”
If I could only use one word to describe my experience as a student in IMBA’s Level 1 Instructor Certification Program (ICP) course over the weekend, it would be ‘intense.’
The feeling of intensity began building several days prior when a packet arrived in the mail with the 80-page Level 1 Ride Guide. It included the instructions:
Enclosed is your ICP course manual along with a pre-test for your upcoming certification event. Please complete this open book test and bring the completed pages with you to the course along with your manual.
Pre-test? I was a little bit annoyed. WTF is this, high school? But as I did my homework, I noticed a degree of seriousness kick in as I realized that I wanted to not only perform well and get whatever passing grade was needed but that I really wanted to learn this stuff. Time to put on your big boy pants, I told myself.
IMBA has an Instructor Certification Program (ICP) and I took the Level 1 course over the Memorial Day weekend at Lebanon Hills. The instructors (L to R in the photo above): Mike Holme, Magpie Cycling Adventures; Kat Sweet, Sweetlines; Jake Carsten, Dirt Dojo.
I’ll blog about the course later (I passed – whew!) but in the meantime, see the large slideshow of 57 photos (recommended) or SLOW CLICK this small slideshow. My fellow students included Amie Topp, Fred Johnson, Jeff Milbauer, Martha Flynn, Ted Siefkes, Ron Berry, Heather George, Amanda Dekan, Nathan Plescher, and Danielle Pellicano.