Tag: <span>logovers</span>
Last week, I posted the question (to my MTB Geezer blog, my MTB Geezer Instagram feed, my MTB Geezer Twitter feed, & my MTB Geezer Facebook page):
A big tree came down along a segment of our local mtb trail recently. We got it trimmed up a few weeks ago and last week, it occurred to me to try riding over the fat end where it hangs over a concrete block lip. So it’s a logover but it’s also a drop. Can you predict from these video stills whether or not I endoed?
Here’s my overly-detailed (5.5 minutes!) video analysis of my ride over that logover drop.
Another view of it:
The results are in and my logover analysis is finished. (See last Monday’s blog post, Straw poll: Analyze these two attempts at a logover.)
Watch this 7-minute video. The comments thread is open for discussion.
Last Saturday morning, my buddy Clay Haglund from MAMB captured my two attempts at a logover that’s along CROCT’s Sechler Park MTB Trail in Northfield.
Watch this 45-second video of the two attempts (each with a 50% slomo clip) and then take the straw poll below.
I’ll post the results on Friday along with my analysis and then open it up for discussion.
12/06 update: See the logover poll results and video analysis in this blog post.