Tag: <span>Northfield Public Schools Community Services</span>

I put my new mountain biking instructor skills to work this summer, having gotten both IMBA Level 2 and PMBI Level 1 certifications in June (link to my blog post that describes my experiences with the two courses).

I teamed up with Northfield Community Services to offer two technical MTB clinics for adults this summer at Northfield’s Sechler Park where CROCT has its MTB trail and skills park.

The course description that appeared in their online catalog:

Title: Technical mountain biking for adults

Description: If you want to gain more confidence on riding lower-speed technical challenges along the trails, this clinic is for you. Terrain included: switchbacks, logovers, skinnies, tight turns, and short steep ascents and descents. Skills included: track stands, holding a line, front and rear wheel lifts. Participants will also have one-month of access to a private Facebook group for Q&A.

Instructor: Griff Wigley is a certified IMBA and PMBI instructor and an experienced technical mountain biker.

Location: Sechler Pk MTB trail, Northfield. Meet at the skills park by the ball fields

Ability level: Intermediate or above

Prerequisites: none. Flat pedals recommended

Maximum group size: 6

Introduction series: $39
Tuesdays, 6-8 pm, July 19, 26, Aug 2

Intermediate series: $39
Tuesdays, 6-8 pm, Aug 16, 23, 30

I offered the classes to CROCT members first and the first one filled quickly. I had to cancel the second one due to weather-related problems: a severe infestation of mosquitoes and deer flies and flooding of the Cannon River.

Here some stills taken from videos. Apologies for the poor quality:


Back in June I blogged about the weekly youth mountain biking group rides I was co-leading all summer, one of my activities as a CROCT board member.

As part of that collaboration with the Northfield Public Schools Community Services Division, we recently took the kids and some parents on an overnight youth group trip to the Cuyuna Lakes Mountain Bike Trail System.

I’ve published a long blog post with dozens of photos about the trip here: CROCT leads an overnight youth group mountain bike trip at Cuyuna Lakes.

CROCT youth trip - trail

Advocacy Group rides Organizations

Fellow CROCT board member Marty Larson and I are co-leading weekly youth mountain biking group rides all summer, a partnership with Northfield Public Schools Community Services. It’s turning out to be a big hit, as you can see from these photos. And we’re pleased that over half of the kids thus far are girls.

It’s a big advantage to have a mountain bike trail (CROCT’s Sechler Park trail in Northfield) that young kids can ride their bikes to on their own or with their parents. Sechler Park is connected to a paved bike/walking trail adjacent to downtown Northfield that goes under Highway 3 and over the Cannon River.  It also parallels the Mill Towns Trail between Northfield and Dundas.

And this is turning out to be good PR for CROCT.  Building and maintaining mtb trails that serve ourselves and other adults is good. But going out of our way to get youth involved is better.  Kids help spread the word, they get their parents involved, and we’re thinking it will help with our fundraising and getting local sponsorships.

CROCT community services youth group ride 1 CROCT community services youth group ride 3 CROCT community services youth group ride 7

CROCT community services youth group ride 4 CROCT community services youth group ride 5 CROCT community services youth group ride 6

Advocacy Group rides