Tag: <span>Trek Bikes</span>

A few months ago I noticed two small cracks developing at the top of the seat tube on the frame of my 2011 Trek X-Caliber 29’er. It gradually got to the point where seat post wouldn’t stay up. A couple of my fellow riders suggested that I check with my local Trek dealer since the Trek Care bike warranty covers “Frames for the lifetime of the original owner.”

I bought the bike from Penn Cycle (see my June 2011 blog post for the story).  And although we have two Trek dealers here in Rice County (Mike’s Bikes in Northfield, Milltown Sports in Faribault) that I regularly patronize, I knew that Penn Cycle would have my original purchase info in their database.


Dealers Maintenance People

Around noon on Sunday of the Ride the Keweenaw weekend, Karl Erbach, Territory Manager at Trek Bicycle and I were riding a trail on Brockway Mountain called The Flow, one of the many spectacular trails that are part of the Copper Harbor Trails system.

Colin, Dave, and a trail-side tire repair by Trek territory manager Karl Erbach Trek territory manager Karl Erbach Trek territory manager Karl Erbach with Dave and his son Colin 
About a third of the way down the trail, we came upon Dave and his 8 year-old son Colin from Green Bay, Wisconsin. Colin’s tire was shot: punctured tube and blown sidewall. Karl patched the tube and then deployed a trick I’d never seen before. He used a candy bar wrapper (he said a dollar bill would work, too) to reinforce the sidewall.

Trek territory manager Karl Erbach with Dave and his son ColinIn 15 minutes or so, Karl had worked his magic (he also did a few other adjustments on Colin’s bike).

Dave and Colin were soon smiling on their way back to town, riding 3 miles instead of having to do a tough hike-a-bike.


Trek Bikes currently has four company bloggers (see the Trek Life section of their website) and one of them is A Great Ride by John Burke, Trek president.  He’s a pretty good blogger and tweets at @JBTrek08 regularly, too.

John Burke, president, Trek BikesTwo weeks ago, he put up a video of his presentation at Interbike (I heard about it last week from Gary Sjoquist, Advocacy Director at QBP). John’s blog post is titled  Interbike advocacy address – the good, the bad, and the future. He wrote:

This week I had the honor of addressing the attendees at Interbike. I wanted to talk about the good and the bad news and the “state of the union” about what’s going on in bicycle advocacy. It was an awesome group of people capable of doing great things. Remember, the world is run by those who show up!

It’s an informative and inspiring presentation. I like his BHAG (big, hairy, audacious goal) of 5% of trips by bike by 2025.

But I think there needs to be a different metric to go along with it that involves mountain biking. Hmmm. Any ideas out there?

In the meantime, watch the video. I’ll add some notes from his presentation when I get a chance.


Update Feb 14, 2012:

I typed up my notes on Burke’s presentation a while ago but lost track of them. Duh. Found ’em today, so here’s the 3-page PDF:

Outline - John Burke presentation at Interbike 2012
